[New] New PhD Student

01 October 2020 par G. Laurent
A new PhD student (Xingjie Fu) is starting on LIA project: Nano-Synergy between fluorescent proteins and metallic nanoparticles to design new nano-probes for super-resolution imaging.

A new PhD student (Xingjie Fu) is starting on LIA project (3 years 2020-2023, funded by CNRS, Director M. Sliwa LASIRE, Supervisor O. Devos LASIRE, G. Laurent PPSM): Nano-Synergy between fluorescent proteins and metallic nanoparticles to design new nano-probes for super-resolution imaging. Coll. M. Weik (CEA Grenoble), J. Abe (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.), H. Miyasaka.

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