In December 2016 CNRS validated financial support and creation of a new French/Japanese International Associate Laboratory about Photo-active Nanomaterials with Cooperative and Synergetic Responses- Nano-synergetics named Nano-Synergetics between research group from ENS Paris-Saclay, Lille University, Osaka University, NAIST, Kyoto University and Aoyama Gakuin University. This project is also supported by an international action exchange scheme within Photo-synergetics (2015-2019, Kokusai Katsudo Shien Han). The LIA started officially 1 January 2018 for four years and the agreement was signed in May 2018 for four years.
French/Japanese International Associate Laboratory about Photo-active Nanomaterials with Cooperative and Synergetic Responses- Nano-synergetics named Nano-Synergetics