Happy New Year 2022

24 January 2022 par G. Laurent
Happy New Year 2022 and monthly web seminars announcement.

We wish you a very happy new year 2022.

May it bring you health, happiness and professional success. Despite the difficult global health context, our relationship is still as strong and as important as ever.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and once again, we wish you :


Bonne année 2022



Thanks to the success of the NanoSynergetics monthly web seminars in 2021, they are back again in 2022.
Here is the tentative schedule for the next seminars :

– Thursday January 27th (11h FR/ 19h JP – 12h FR / 20h JP)
Dr Vitor BRASILIENSE from PPSM, ENS Paris-Saclay will talk about « Quantitative Phase Microscopy as a tool for probing local chemistry: nanoobjects and surface micropatterning « .

– Friday February 25th (11h FR/ 19h JP – 12h FR / 20h JP)
Speaker is not yet decided.

– Friday March 18th (11h FR/ 19h JP – 12h FR / 20h JP)
Speaker is not yet decided.

– Friday April 15th (12h FR/ 19h JP – 13h FR / 20h JP)
Speaker is not yet decided.


For more information do not hesitate to contact us by email (guillaume.laurent@ens-paris-saclay.fr / michel.sliwa@univ-lille.fr) or on our twitter account (@NSynergetics).

See also